coreplus API

The coreplus API provides access to appointment booking related end points, such as clients, practitioners, availability slots and appointments. It is a RESTful API, which utilises the HTTP verbs for creating viewing objects.

If you are a developer looking to create an external consumer server to server application for your coreplus clients, then by signing up for a sandbox account you will get access to your own trial coreplus account on our sandbox server with authorisation credentials.

If you have any questions regarding the API documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Create Client Family (Post)

Required parameters Type Description
clientId Object Containing Id Id of the client to whom the family is to be created
firstName String First name of client family
surname String Surname.of client family


Example request URL:


"clientId": "fe3b4575-2528-463b-b38a-cdbc8119be94",
Example response


Optional parameters Type Description
title String Title of the client family – Dr, Master, Miss, Mr, Mrs, Ms, Mx, Sir, Rev
dateOfBirth Date Date of birth of client family
relationship String Relationship of client family

Suggested values – Auntie, Boyfriend, Brother, Client, Daughter, Father, Fiance, Foster Father, Foster Mother, Friend, Girlfriend, Grand Father, Grand Mother, Guardian, Husband, Mother, Partner, Sister, Stepfather, Stepmother, Son, Uncle, Wife, Next of KIN

medicareCardNumber String(20) Medicare card number of client family
medicareCardIRN String(1) Medicare IRN number of client family
homePhone String Home phone number of client family
workPhone String Work phone number of client family
mobile String Mobile phone number of client family
email String Email address of client family
address String Street address of client family
suburb String Suburb of client family
postcode String Postcode of client family
notes String(300) Notes for client family
emergencyContact Boolean True – Set the family as emergency contact for the client

False – Set the family as non emergency contact for the client

Note: Client can have only single family set as emergency contact

invoiceRecipient Boolean True – Set the family as invoice recipient for the client

False – Set the family as non invoice recipient for the client

Note: Client can have only single family set as invoice recipient

mainContact Boolean True – Set the family as main contact for the client in letter writer placeholders

False – Set the family as non main contact for the client in letter writer placeholders

Note: Client can have only single family set as main contact

separated Boolean Relationships like husband, wife, boy friend, girl friend can be marked as separated
separatedDate Date Separated date of the client family


Example request URL:


   "address":"22 Kings Rd",
   "notes":"some dummynotes",
Example response
    "familyId": "8533a71c-390e-4d6a-8966-505a8ec55125",
    "title": "Mr",
    "surname": "young",
    "firstName": "troy",
    "dateOfBirth": "1990-02-18T00:00:00",
    "separatedDate": "2023-03-02T00:00:00",
    "relationship": "Boyfriend",
    "address": "22 Kings Rd",
    "suburb": "Melton",
    "postcode": "3337",
    "workPhone": "0300000000",
    "homePhone": "0300000000",
    "mobile": "0400000000",
    "email": "",
    "notes": "some dummynotes",
    "medicareCardNumber": "1234567899",
    "medicareCardIRN": "1",
    "emergencyContact": true,
    "invoiceRecipient": true,
    "mainContact": true,
    "separated": true


Note: To overwrite existing emergency contact OR invoice recipient OR main contact – Need to use the parameter


Example request — URL:

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