coreplus API

The coreplus API provides access to appointment booking related end points, such as clients, practitioners, availability slots and appointments. It is a RESTful API, which utilises the HTTP verbs for creating viewing objects.

If you are a developer looking to create an external consumer server to server application for your coreplus clients, then by signing up for a sandbox account you will get access to your own trial coreplus account on our sandbox server with authorisation credentials.

If you have any questions regarding the API documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us at


URL https://<server domain name>/api/core/<version>/Message/
Methods Supported POST (Multipart Upload)
Description Message endpoint is simplified version of Secure Messaging concepts. Using this endpoint, we can send message with a file to coreplus application
Permissions Access to this function requires advanced permissions for the calling application



  • Each message must include json, sent as a multi part section called “messageData”

Client\Practitioner Matching

  • The client will be matched – if the message data includes a valid client ID, or there is a client with the same name and date of birth
  • The receiving practitioner (coreplus user) will be matched – if the message data includes a valid practitioner ID as part of the practitionerTo field, or there is a user with the same name
  • The sending practitioner (coreplus referrer) will be matched – if there is a referrer with the same name and provider number


Required parameters
"Header": {"SendingFacility":""}
"MessageContents": [{"AttachedFileDetails":{ "Size":, "Name":"" } } ]

To attach multiple files

"MessageContents": [{"AttachedFileDetails":{ "Size":, "Name":"samplefile1.pdf" }, { "Size":, "Name":"samplefile2.pdf" } } ]


Optional parameters

"Client": {


  • Gender of the client can be- Male(M) or Female(F) or Unknown(U) or Other(O)
  • Marital status of the client can be – Single(S) or Married(M) or Widowed(W) or Divorced(D) or Unknown(U)
"PractitionerFrom": {
"PractitionerTo": {


Example request BODY:

         "addressLine":"12/13 vailas street",
         "addressLine":"23 line street",
         "addressLine":"23 some ave",

Example response

         "addressLine":"12/13 vailas street",
         "addressLine":"23 line street",
         "addressLine":"23 some ave",



Sample Multipart Upload Request

Accept: application/json
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="e026ce10-d15a-4421-bd49-740c29ed0240"
Content-Length: 5492
Expect: 100-continue

Content-Disposition: form-data; name=file; filename=cat.jpg; filename*=utf-8”cat.jpg

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Disposition: form-data; name=messageData

{“Header”:{“SendingFacility”:”WebAPICaller”},”MessageContents”:[{“AttachedFileDetails”:{“Size”:4638,”Name”:”cat.jpg”}}],”Client”:{“Id”:”808A8594-B105-4618-8A67-8D33E0DE4625″,”Firstname”:”John”,”Surname”:”Deere”,”Title”:”Mr”,”Address”:{“AddressLine”:”unit 1, Howard St”,”Country”:”Australia”,”Postcode”:”3011″,”State”:”Vic”,”Suburb”:”Hills North”},”DateOfBirth”:”1970-08-21″,”Gender”:”Male”,”HomePhone”:”0300000000″,”BusinessPhone”:”0300000000″,”MaritalStatus”:”Single”},”PractitionerFrom”:{“Firstname”:”Benji”,”Surname”:”Dolittle”,”Title”:”Dr”,”Address”:{“AddressLine”:”33 Practice Lane”,”Country”:”Australia”,”Postcode”:”2003″,”State”:”NSW”,”Suburb”:”Valley North”},”ProviderNumber”:”2000000A”},”PractitionerTo”:{“Id”:”707191A6-824F-400A-9652-6128B9B2001C”,”Firstname”:”Sample”,”Surname”:”User1″,”Title”:”Ms”,”Address”:{“AddressLine”:”87 Therapy Ct”,”Country”:”Australia”,”Postcode”:”3089″,”State”:”Victoria”,”Suburb”:”Hawthorn Ponds”},”ProviderNumber”:”2152171F”}}


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