coreplus API

The coreplus API provides access to appointment booking related end points, such as clients, practitioners, availability slots and appointments. It is a RESTful API, which utilises the HTTP verbs for creating viewing objects.

If you are a developer looking to create an external consumer server to server application for your coreplus clients, then by signing up for a sandbox account you will get access to your own trial coreplus account on our sandbox server with authorisation credentials.

If you have any questions regarding the API documentation, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Get List of Clients

Optional parameters Type Description
pageNumber int Used for paging the list of client – identify what page to get (default = 1)
pageSize int Used for paging the list of client – identify the number of results per page (default = 50)


Example request URL:
Example response
         "preferredName": "samya",
         "culture": "haya culture",
         "pronouns": "e",
         "preferredName": "Rarahe",
         "culture": "maya culture",
         "pronouns": "e",
   "statusMessages":[ ]

Additional Parameter: Get A List of Clients With Additional Fields

URL https://<server domain name>/api/core/<version>/Client/?Field=phonenumbermobile&Field=email&...>
Description Retrieves all clients along with the specified additional fields

The following additional fields can be used:

  • crn
  • externalId
  • clientGroupId
  • phoneNumberHome
  • phoneNumberWork
  • phoneNumberMobile
  • phoneNumberFax
  • email
  • addressPostal
  • addressResidential
  • allocatedLocationId
  • status
  • disclosure
  • marketSourceId
  • marketingConsent


Example request URL:
Example response
         "crn": "4803590",
         "preferredName": "sopty",
         "culture": "haya culture",
         "pronouns": "e",
         "crn": "4803696",
         "preferredName": "Rarahe",
         "culture": "maya culture",
         "pronouns": "e",
   "statusMessages":[ ]

Additional Parameter: Get A List of Clients Updated After Date

This is a client update filter for the Get client list which will retrieve a list of clients within the organisation only where the client’s details have been updated after a specified date and time. The filter parameter is part of the URL on the client get call.

URL https://<server domain name>/api/core/<version>/Client/?updatedSince=<Url encoded date time stamp with timezone>
Description Retrieve all clients that have had client details updated since the specified date time stamp


Example request URL: ?updatedSince=2016-12-23%2014:43:30%2B1100

The date time stamp is url encoded so in the above example

?updatedSince=2016-12-23%2014:43:30%2B1100 translates to

?updatedSince=2016-12-23 14:43:30+1100

See for an encoding decoding example

The returned result will be the same as a normal Client Get call except it will be filtered by the requested date time stamp

Additional Parameter: Filter client list

Following parameters are used to filter the Get client list

name  Name of the client

firstName OR lastName OR preferrerName OR fullName

Note: While searching with fullName the symbols in the name should be encoded
Ex: sams richards should be searched as sams%20richards

datOfBirth  Date of Birth of client


mobile  Mobile Number of the client
email  Email of the client
medicare  Medicare card number of the client (Without medicareIRN)


Example request  Ex: Client1 – Sams Richards with mobile 0420000000

Client2 – Teather Sams with mobile 0420000001


This will return the list of clients whose name contains ‘sams’ – Considering above example it will return both clients


This will return the list of clients whose name contains ‘sams’ AND mobile number is 0420000000 – Considering above example it will return client1


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